A review by fatima_zubair
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón


Loved it! Absolutely and completely loved it! Took it very slow because the setting and aura was very different from what I usually read but I am so glad that I have read this beauty of a book.
It was wholesome and literally there are so many outstanding quotes. I found this book very quote worthy because most of the things were relatable as f. Some twists made me swear out loud and some I guessed but they made me happy nevertheless. The ending was amazing! Believe me I felt so happy after as if I had scored some lottery myself. It was that good.
Daniel Sempere, Fermin Rumero de Torres, Julian Carax and Mr. Sempere stole my heart. Loved them.
There were many heartbreaks. They shattered me despite me being ready for them. My heart ached for Julian so much and I wish someone would have told him about Penelope Aldaya. I mean I was counting on it. I felt sorry for her btw and Miquel Moliner and Nuria Montfort. There are very few people that I hate from the core of my heart and it was inspector Fumero here for me. Oh God! I wanted to kill him with my own bare own hands.
Overall, it is an amazing book with highs and lows of the life and happy and sad moments and good and bad and gray people alike which we are surrounded with in all the ways possible. I loved the setting and the aura. It was everything. Needless to say it is one of my most favorite reads of this year and has left a mark upon my heart because this book revolves around books so why shouldn't it?
Can't wait to read more in this series!