A review by lucky_clovers
Bleed by Laurie Faria Stolarz


TWs: A bit of homophobia, suicidal ideation, food restriction and ED


date a murderer. go though peoples belongings. cheat on your significant other. walk into the house of your harasser alone. it’ll all work out in the end

✨Sean and Nicole suck, I don’t know why everyone likes them. they’re scummy. he cheats on his girlfriend with nicole...his girlfriend is nicoles best friend.
✨Ginger is super bitchy and unlikable. her little sister Sadie was my favorite chapter. Though it feels weird including an 11 year old in a book where most characters are 17-19.
✨derrick is self absorbed and i couldn’t stand him. but more so, i couldn’t stand Meral. she’s a manic pixie dream girl with no character. think starrgirl but worse.
✨joys chapter is infuriating because her plan is stupid and she’s just kind of stupid. twice she goes places she shouldn’t (with Robbie in the woods and into Danny’s house) please, dear, get some common sense! Robbie is purposely annoying and unlikable, so i guess he’s okay. i hated him, but i think this was intentional.
✨Kelly also sucks. she’s a cheater as well. we never see any resolution for her. she just leaves the diner and robbie and gives up on their 5+ year “relationship” (the age gap is 4 years- 17//21)
✨Maria is a weird case. she’s kind of suicidal, making others cut her (I also think she cuts herself?) we never see her getting help. it’s played off like some kind of ‘Effy Stonem depressed bad girl’ trope