A review by lit_terary
Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch


I'm going to keep it simple because I really don't have much to say:

1. CHARACTERS! Locke and Jean are adorable and their relationship is explored and tested in-depth in this sequel. The secondary characters stand out as well, even though they're so many in this book that sometimes it's hard to keep track.
2. The main concept is still good, even though the heist plot is not as prevalent as in the first book.
3. Great setting, great ambience and atmosphere, even though it's getting less fantastical as we go forward (not that people read this series for the fantasy element, but still).

1. Plot execution is lacking. This book is rather scattered, with many plotlines and trajectories that - I think - fail to come together in harmony. It almost feels as if the story develops as it unravels, without a clear direction to keep things in check. Many readers might actually enjoy this casual, adventurous aspect of the story, but for me, it was a weakness.
2. Length - too. damn. long. for the story that it tells.

Taking all into account, I would say that this is a good book that didn't live up to its full potential and got sidetracked one too many times for me. Unsure whether I will continue on with this saga, might not be for me.