A review by freadomlibrary
The Crown of Embers by Rae Carson


Actual rating 4.5 stars

This review was originally posted at https://freadomlibrary.wordpress.com/

Check out my series review here: https://freadomlibrary.wordpress.com/2017/03/24/series-review-fire-and-thorns-by-rae-carson/

Plot – 4.5 out of 5 stars
I am falling in love with this series, really and truly. This book is full of adventure and travel (again). There’s much more information on the world and the background of it, like how it was created and what led to the setting we see here. It deals with magic, religion, action, drama, politics, war and death. And just to sweeten things up a bit, we have a bit more romance in this one haha.

Writing Style – 4 out of 5 stars
The writing style is descriptive and detailed. It’s simple but at the same time, really powerful and intense. There’s a lot of emotion that pours out of the page through the writing style. It’s medium paced but intricate and entertaining, I could’ve read this book in one sitting honestly. There’s some drama in here but it’s such an enjoyable read.

Characters – 5 out of 5 stars
I’m so obsessed guys! I am officially in love with every single character in this series. They all have a place in my heart, they are my babies and I will protect them with my life!
Elisa astounds me. I loved her character development in the first book, but I’m also super glad that it wasn’t that she had an “easy fix” to the personality she had. She was still unsure and worried about the things happening around her but she’s determined to be the best Queen she can possibly be to this kingdom she now has control of. She’s defiant and selfless. She’s a really strong, smart and honest leader and I think she’s a total badass to be quite honest.
The side characters also continue to grow and astound me. They’re each complex and intricate individuals and the relationships they create between them are just as real and powerful. They feel like real people while reading. The romance also makes a more obvious appearance and I loved it! I’m a huge shipper and this romance gave me the most wondrous feels!

SpoilerThis series has officially become one of the favorites of all time. I was continually enamored with every page turned and every word read and I just want to spread the love forever!

Because of this second book, this is quickly becoming a new favorite series. I am so invested in these characters, it’s kind of ridiculous.

The plot is character driven. We follow Elisa, now Queen and after having defeated a terrifying army, troubles continue within her kingdom. With enemies on all sides, she goes on a journey to try to find power and to fulfill her destiny as a Godstone bearer. Like the first book, this one has a lot of traveling and a lot of drama. Page after page of beautiful descriptions and small anecdotes just made the book and the setting much more tangible for me. However, I’ve come to find that this series is mostly about the characters and their personal development. Beyond Elisa, each character is an individual who is important to the plot in some way and their growth is an integral part of the telling of this story. There’s some action and mystery within the plot which was interesting but all the political turmoil going on was much more interesting and engaging for me. There are so many different things happening at the same time and so many different ways of things to go as the story continues and I was incredibly invested in the outcome of all the craziness. There are so many twists and turns and shifts in setting or plans that it’s a constant race to see what’s going to happen next and it’s easy to be engaged and invested in the story. I could’ve read this book in one sitting like I mentioned for the first book because it’s just so good! I loved getting to see much more of the world. There’s no map in this book or the first one, so to be able to have so much traveling through the landscape definitely helped me picture things a lot better than I would’ve otherwise. The kingdom we’re in is really huge and it includes all different kinds of land: desert, oceans, jungles, etc. and the descriptions are so rich that it makes it much easier to be able to picture everything. Also, I really liked that religion plays such an important part of the characters’ lives as well as the plot and yet, I never really feel like I’m supposed to believe this is the only way to believe in something. The ending left me completely and totally heartbroken! I’m still not okay and it made me want to cry and to pick up the third book as soon as possible (spoiler: I did!).

Elisa is a downright badass, she just is, but she’s also a flawed character and I love how she challenges the notion that you have to be either or. She’s determined and smart, she works very hard to keep her people safe. She tries to do everything she can to do the best for her kingdom. But she also doesn’t know how to rule, she’s insecure about her decisions sometimes and she also feels like she might be doing things the wrong way. I love her character development, just when I thought she couldn’t grow more, she kept going and going. I hope this trend continues for her.

Finally, let’s talk a bit about the side characters. Hector is a character we get to know a bit more in this book. He was in the first book but more of a background character but he shines so brightly in this book! I absolutely love and adore him and I need him to be safe and sound at all times. Mara is also another character we get to know more in this second book. She’s introduced in the first but becomes much closer to our main character in this one and I absolutely love seeing their friendship blossom. Bonus, she’s just a super awesome badass girl and I love it! Lastly, Ximena. Sigh. She’s getting on my nerves. She’s become a huge pain in the butt when it comes to her relationship with Elisa. She’s very controlling and feels like her opinions are more important than Elisa’s when it comes to ruling which not true because you’re not the queen bitch. I’m glad Elisa had that final scene with her because it was needed! I’m so anxious for the last book, I just want all my faves to be safe and sound!

Overall, this is one of my new favorite series. Each book just got better and better. The characters grew by leaps and bounds in each and every book and the plot continued to get more exciting and entertaining. The writing style worked really well with the story and I just want everyone to read this series and love it and then tell me how much you love it. Please :). (Don’t tell me if you hate it.)