A review by read_on_reader
For Keeps. For Always. by Haley Jenner, Haley Jenner


Brooks and Henley have a special friendship that was formed years ago. Henley comes from a family full of hatred, anger, and a constant battle over which parent loves her more. She suffers alone most of the time until Brooks shows up and weasels his way into her life. They become friends not easily as it’s hard for Henley to put her trust and faith in others, but when she does, she is committed to it 100%. Brooks would do anything for his Henley, and he proves that repeatedly even when Henley fights it. Its always the wrong time or the wrong place for these two and at times it gets aggravating, but it ends beautifully. Henley is always wrapped up in her own head thinking she doesn’t deserve to be loved or can love anyone else even though she knows Brooks is it for her she just can’t let her own hurt go long enough to fight for him. She was frustrating with all the back and forth, but her mother was a real piece of crazy that I wanted to smack around. Brooks was easy to love and fall for. All he ever wanted was for Henley to be his but sometimes fate and life have other plans that take you the long way around until giving you what you want or need. A great read with real emotions that the authors make you feel and want to live through with the characters.