A review by kaebirdie
Come Tumbling Down by Seanan McGuire


No surprise that I loved seeing some of the old characters again :)

With all due respect, and maybe it's because I read my books a little sped up, I didn't find the audio as compelling on this one - and usually I like the author-read audiobooks. I really struggle with the way Sumi is read; I know she's characterized as (how do I put this nicely) "hyper" but reading her parts ridiculously fast sacrifices any inflection or tone that could be put into the words. It's unnecessary and it ruins the flow of the story because you're so busy trying to catch what she's saying and decipher its meaning contextually that you get pulled out of the story. It's kind of like unwanted accents. It's unnecessary. Just the regular reading is fine; we all know Sumi and we know her character. There are some lines that are fine to read fast, that might not have a lot of emphasis. But in a short book, there aren't a lot of fluff parts, and Sumi's pieces should be read at normal pace so the whole book reads evenly. You can bring exuberance or bounce to the vocals without additional speed.