A review by the_cover_contessa
The Unbound Excerpt by V.E. Schwab


I want to thank Disney Hyperion and Net Galley for providing me with this sneak peek. Receiving this peek for free has in no way influenced my opinion or review.

I won't bore you with posting the blurb. I'm sure you know what this book is about if you've come this far.

I will tell you that this sneak peek was full of Mackenzie and Wesley. And the publisher picked the perfect place for the sneak peek to end. It's was a big of a surprise, but at the same time I kind of knew the twist was happening because the build up was totally going there! I won't let you know the twist because I want you to be surprised!

As with the first book, Victoria's writing is spectacular. I could not put this down! I loved every single word she put on the pages, how she put them there and where they led me! Her world building continues to be amazing. I love how we get more of the outside world that surrounds Mackenzie.

Seriously, waiting for the release of this book is going to drive me nuts! I can't wait to find out more about the newly introduced character. I won't tell you much except he is a boy and he is definitely swoon worthy. And I really hope he doesn't mess up the relationship between Mac and Wesley because I just LOVE Wesley!

Need this book NOW!