A review by mlazar17
In the Dark by Loreth Anne White


“Everyone’s a liar [...]And if you claim you’re not, you’re lying right there.”

In The Dark is a thriller with a nod to And Then There Were None and a Lord of the Flies feel. The concept of this was interesting, but the execution didn’t quite hit the mark for me. I wanted more time at the lodge and less time focused on the search. I also found that I couldn’t connect with any of the characters enough to care what happened to them.

There was no surprising twist. The ending was essentially a retelling if everything we learned throughout the rest of the book with some additional details filled in. I didn’t feel like there were any parts of the story I couldn’t see coming.

I thought the book was just ok. The author effectively set the ominous tone and injected tension in the moments in the lodge, but overall I just didn’t love it.