A review by karentje
Eden by Alex Bailey


This book didn't work for me.
One of the MC's, David Eden, is quite a morally dubious character, and a strange choice to make in these "metoo" times. He deliberately hires Taylor as his assistant so as to be able to hit on him easily... (from a position of power) and then afterwards dumps Taylor with indecent haste.
David is married to Taylor's best friend, Natalie, in a sham marriage to convince his father that he's straight, even though a bit later in the book David tells Taylor that he thinks his father already knows he is gay.
I also heartily disliked Natalie for being so mercenary/superficial and willing to live a lie in exchange for a life of luxury.
There is very little motivation for Taylor to fall in love with David. The storyline didn't feel plausible to me in the least.