A review by nickscoby
Make Your Home Among Strangers by Jennine Capó Crucet


I'm cheating because I stopped about mid way, but I am finished with it. I feel badly that I did not enjoy the book as much I desperately wanted to. Crucet is such a good writer but at times I felt like I was reading a draft in a writer's workshop where the assignment was "Spend 30 Minutes Describing a Chair" or something of that sort. There's just tooo much detail in places, almost as though she doesn't trust the reader. But when the book is good, it is GREAT, especially the sections set at Rawlings University. Crucet captures isolation, imposter syndrome and the pride of a first-gen student.

There appeared to be a love triangle brewing and I don't know how it turned out but I did feel affection for both young men, who were very different from one another but equally charming.