A review by josiahdegraaf
That Pale Host by L.G. McCary


Oh goodness, this book was so flippin' good. It wasn't quite what I was expecting, but it also exceeded my expectations and was pretty difficult to put down. Not gonna' lie, this book makes me a bit nervous about the prospect of eventually having kids. But the characters were very well-defined, the character relationships felt very real, and when the story hits its high notes, it really hits his high notes. I would have liked to see a bit more of an explanation for the closing twist about one of the story's main characters and some choices he made, but everything else here was simply fantastic. A well-done example of stellar Christian fiction.

ALSO: as of the writing of this review, this book is only going to be available until the end of this month (November 2021) due to the publisher closing its doors and the jury is out for when it will be available again. So if you're interested in this book (and you should be), go get it now!

Rating: 4-4.5 Stars (Very Good).