A review by sarah_thebooknerd
Leslie F*cking Jones by Leslie Jones

Did not finish book. Stopped at 75%.
I stopped the book at 75% which is a long time to read before stopping. I love Leslie Jones and I loved the parts of her story where she was sharing her life. The book is 288 pages and the audio is 17 hrs. The book and the audio are actually not the same. Leslie had an outline for the audio and just sort of did her own thing. I think that led to an issue of the audiobook being longer, repetitive and dragged when it didn’t need to! If you go into the audiobook more like a podcast I think you will enjoy this book more. But just be aware that it’s not at all just a reading in audio of the book and the experiences are vastly different. 

I might come back to this to finish the 25% but my patience was thin right now and mood was not great to enjoy the rest of the memoir. There are definitely so many incredible moments in this book and Leslie’s story is one that so many readers could connect with in terms of her family, struggles to make it and finding her career later in life.