A review by reneesmith
Things I Never Told You by Beth K. Vogt


As one of four sisters, I know how siblings can push our buttons, cut us down, lift us up, extend forgiveness, sacrifice for us, give more than we could ever expect, and know us the way no one else ever could. I found all this and more in Beth Vogt’s latest book, a story of sisters dealing with life and the self-doubt, competition, guilt, bitterness, disappointment, and pain that tend to accompany “adulting.”

Beth spills out onto the page the secrets and heartaches these sisters are hiding and lets us see how those feelings affect their relationships and life choices. Then events push them to crossroads where they must decide if reconciliation, peace, joy, and love are worth fighting for.

It’s a beautiful thing when the healing begins and the sisters start to learn what being a family really is. Though there is more of this family’s story to play out, the ending of this first book in the series is uplifting and hopeful. An uplifting, satisfying read!