A review by whatcha_listening_to
Boarded by Love by Toni Aleo


***As I was listen I thought to myself I have listened to this before. And then I checked and yep I had.

I didn’t love the dramalama and my rating went down a lot from the first time I listened. 2.5 Stars.***

4.5 Boarded by Love Stars

Before we even talk about this book. I have to say I am a HUGE fan of The Assassins Series! And no I didn't know this was a spin-off or I would have read the dang book a lot sooner!!

Ok now on to this book, when we meet Claire in Philip’s book I wanted to know more about her. So imagine my surprise when listening and this book is about Claire, I kind of smacked my forehead with the heel of my hand like duh!

Ok moving on, she was exactly how I thought she would be and so, so much more. I am so proud of her and I know it’s a book and she is just a character but if you read Philip's book you would understand.

I love the relationship Claire has with Philip and especially with Reese. <3 I swooned I had tears and I rooted or Claire.

But what makes this book even that extra bit special was I fell for Hey Jude! Who wouldn't I ask you he was charming and charismatic and downright smooth. And I love that in a hero!
And together Jude and Claire are Aces! I mean it they made my heart melt so many times.
The only thing I didn't like but totally get was the dramalama right at the end, I did think Jude took it just a little too far. And that was just my opinion.

I loved the dual narration like a lot Joe is a favorite of mine and it has nothing to do with his name totally being like my husbands…lol
Felicity really brings the emotion to Claire that I was hoping for. So I am very happy with this audio and if you are a fan of Toni Aleo’s work then click and buy this book it’s a heck of an audiobook!

*You don't have to like my review but its 100% my opinion, and I am allowed to have it.*