A review by sandeeisreading
Batman: The Black Mirror by Scott Snyder


Because my fascination with Dick Grayson hasn't gone down yet, I decided to read another one. Yes, another one. Sue me.

After reading Batman: Earth One, I asked recommendations for more Batman stuff, and Black Mirror was one that was recommended by almost everyone I asked. So far, I really liked Scott Snyder's other Batman stories (The Court of Owls and The City of Owls), I was almost 100% sure I was going to like this one.

He did not disappoint.

I loved this.


- I really liked Dick Grayson as Batman. Let me defend myself. I'm saying this, not because I have a thing for Dick Grayson. Nope. It's not that at all. I guess I was just really surprised that I would end up liking Batman, even when it's not Bruce Wayne. For me, someone who hasn't been reading the Batman comics for very long, Batman and Bruce Wayne are the same. You can't have Batman without Bruce Wayne, vice versa. Black Mirror proved me wrong. You could have another Batman, who isn't Bruce, and still like it. The way they used Dick Grayson in this book was great. I really liked how we could see how differently he thinks from Bruce Wayne. It's very refreshing.
- They didn't force Dick Grayson's character to be a Bruce Wayne clone. I liked how Dick was still his own person. The things he did and the decisions he made was because he was his own person.
- I met some villains I have never met before, like the Dealer and whatever the other guy's name was. The one who stays underground and feeds people to sharks.
- James Gordon Jr. Holy crap! This guy.

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I'm not going to tell you why, but that guy... You have to find out for yourself.

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- There are some pretty fucked up things that happened here. Not just things, but most of the people here were pretty fucked up to. I still don't get why the people of Gotham are attracted to evil. I'm not complaining though. It's actually one of the thingfs that make reading any Batman comic interesting. It's like Gotham, the city, has it's own personality. And it's not letting Batman win. No matter which Batman it is.
- Seeing that crowbar again...
- The Joker. I love the Joker and all his villany antics. He didn't play a big role, but I liked that he was here.
- The tone of this series was pretty dark, but I liked that Snyder was still able to insert a bit of humor to it.


- Story-wise, I have no issue whatsoever with this, but I would have to say, I wasn't a big fan of the illustrations. I liked how there was a dark tone to it the entire time, but I just don't feel it. Sorry.


I highly enjoyed this one. I have been reading Scott Snyder books one after the other, and so far, I have not been disappointed. Would definitely be reading more.