A review by melibrarys
Sinful Empire by Meghan March


end of this trilogy and not much more to say than in previous reviews.

Unlike volume number 2, we have a little more plot and less sex, and thank you for that because it saves me from reading simple porn. although it came back quickly. but despite the fact that we have a story, there are too many cliché elements.

I'm a little more attached to the couple because, without the sex scenes, we can see the fact that they really care about each other. but it honestly remains very superficial, like the first I love you or something. honestly it's very disappointing to want to read a "dark romance" and not be able to get attached to the romantic side of this couple.

but too many things are wrong? we are missing crucial sciences, especially when she sees her father at the distillery again, that would have really been worth a scene that would have brought real depth to the book, but we preferred to concentrate on yet another sensual scene. and there are several scenes like that that would have deserved to appear other than in a flashback.

a trilogy that I wouldn't really recommend, unless you want to read porn.

"Non Keira. Il a toujours été question de toi."