A review by kristinafh
Afraid to Fly by L.A. Witt


Oh. How I wanted to love this book.

It started out in that direction and then in the last 10-15%, i became displeased with the direction of the storyline and the actions of some of the characters.

Not really spoilers - but read on at your own risk.

✔️OMG enough with Dion. He was the fourth in their relationship. Note to L.A. - maybe you should have made Dion and Travis's story book #2 in this series. The more Dion was brought up, the more I was annoyed.
✔️If I were Paul, I would have knocked Travis on his ass there towards the end. Just sayin'.
✔️I totally did not buy the ex-wife's change in tune. Also not pleased she was making major life decisions for the kids and keeping that from Clint.
✔️Kimber - not even sure why you had her in the book.

So even though I wasn't over the top in love with this book, I anxiously await book 3.