A review by kathydavie
The Bite Before Christmas by Jeaniene Frost, Lynsay Sands


An anthology of two stories about vampires and Christmas.

"The Gift" (Argeneau, 15.5)
"Home for the Holidays" (Night Huntress, 6.5)

The Stories
Lynsay Sands' "Gift" is a cute story of two individuals, Teddy Brunswick and Katricia Argeneau, escaping the pity of family and friends at Christmas and just happening to rent cottages side by side. It takes a blizzard snowing them in without electricity or food to push Katricia and Ted outside their comfort zones and into each others' arms.

Jeaniene Frost's "Home for the Holidays" is much more desperate with Cat, Ian, and Dierdre forced to bargain with a demon to save the friends who have gathered to celebrate Bones' birthday. Family. It's not all it's cracked up to be.

The Cover and Title
The cover is a peaceful snowy landscape...with tombstones and a circular peekaboo window as Bones holds Cat closely to him looking up at us tauntingly, gathering her long blonde hair to one side just as he is about to nuzzle her neck.

The title is all about vampire holidays with The Bite Before Christmas.