A review by books_and_more_books_byt
Hades by Anna Hackett


Hades is the second book in the Sentinel Security series, a new suspense-filled romantic series. We have seen the Sentinel team as side characters in other books but now we finally get their long-awaited stories. We met Hades in the Norcross series, so this book was one I couldn’t wait to read.

CIA analyst Gabbi Hansley had spent her life trying to distance herself from her screwed-up family. She wanted a safe and simple life but kept getting pulled into their drama. She likes her boring life so when she ends up in the middle of a gunfight while delivering an encrypted drive; she is way beyond her wheelhouse.

Former Anti-Mafia officer Matteo “Hades” spent years taking apart the mafia in Italy, his home country. Spending years undercover with the mafia has left him in the darkness. He was not expecting trouble when he went to get the encrypted drive, but suddenly his and Gabbi’s life is in danger. On the run to survive and track down the enemy, can her light brighten his darkness?

The attraction between Hades and Gabbi was slow burning. I loved watching them work together and help each to grow. Gabbi needed to come to terms with her toxic family and break all connections to them. She wanted to believe they would change but instead, they always used her. Hades thought he was too damaged to be in a long-term relationship, but Gabbi makes him long for a future together. I loved watching them grow and help with each other’s baggage.
I was so excited to see the Sentinel Security team’s series. They had appeared in several books of the Norcross Security series and always seemed so mysterious. I love that we get to finally see more of them. I highly recommend this book and cannot wait for the next book.

I received an ARC and am voluntarily leaving a review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.