A review by beccakateblogs
From My Balcony to Yours by Nino Gugunishvili


From My Balcony to Yours is told through Nino Gugunishvili’s perspective and her time in the midst of the most life changing event in our lives. She shares her view alongside thoughts, feelings and most prominently, nostalgia. Remembering the time before and the realisation of life’s changes. The longing for our old lives but the newfound gratefulness for all we have.

Told in a chronological month-by-month fashion, it’s fascinating to see the way her ideas and thoughts change as the months pass. The fear, the boredom, the hopefulness. The pandemic and lockdown really provided an array of all emotions at different times and it’s reassuring to read that the emotions she felt are extremely universal.

Reading about the beginning of the pandemic, now more than a year ago, and being thrown back into the unknown, the uncertainty and the fear we all felt right at the beginning is quite a reminder of how things were. Nino Gugunishvili is extremely good at portraying these feelings with an air of positivity or hope, which makes it feel that little bit less intimidating to read about, as we still live through it.

Everyone handled their lockdown time differently and I think reading another perspective is quite wholesome. The realisation and conclusions that Nino draws from it and the knowledge that, essentially, life is short. We all take things for granted and it’s definitely a reminder of this. One to keep and read back over in the years to come, when the pandemic is a mere memory and story to tell our children and grandchildren.

An enjoyable, relevant and extremely relatable personal account of the beginnings of the pandemic.