A review by missbookiverse
Short Stories from Hogwarts of Power, Politics and Pesky Poltergeists by J.K. Rowling


It was an enjoyable read but it is not worth 3 bucks. I'm so angry they're making these so freaking expensive. The ebooks are each less than 100 pages long and it's basically just random snippets, some of the information wasn't even new (and I don't mean you could already read it on Pottermore). I just don't think this franchise needs any more money. I would've gladly paid 99 cents for each but this price is overkill and I'm still struggling with myself over whether or not to get the other 2.

On the actual content: I liked the chapter about Prof. Slughorn the most because it added some new tidbits about what he has been up to since his fateful conversation with Tom Riddle. The Umbridge chapter was pretty boring. Nothing we didn't already know. I could've done without the list of Ministers of Magic, it was quite dull. And why wasn't Hermione added at the end of the list? :P

A fun read but not worth the money.