A review by roman_
The Power of Dao: A Timeless Guide to Happiness and Harmony by Lou Marinoff


Reading "The Power of Dao: A Timeless Guide to Happiness and Harmony" by Lou Marinoff is like taking a scenic road trip back in time, but with a modern-day GPS named Lou, who’s got an easy-going way of decoding ancient signboards named Dao. The scenery? Timeless vistas of wisdom with occasional pit stops for modern-day reflections.
Marinoff’s narrative is like a friendly chat over a cup of warm oolong tea, where he casually delves into Lao Tzu’s profound nuggets of wisdom, making them feel like comfy old friends rather than intimidating ancient philosophies. The book’s essence is to apply the age-old Dao’s serenity to today’s fast-paced, anxiety-riddled life, offering a soft cushion of understanding amidst the hard chairs of daily challenges​.
The writing flows like a calm river, yet has the ability to create ripples in the reader’s mind, encouraging a soft gaze inward and a gentle nudge to realign life’s compass towards a harmonious horizon​. It’s like Marinoff is offering a cozy blanket of ancient wisdom to shield us from the modern-day chaos, only the blanket is woven with threads of contemporary understanding, making it a comfy fit for anyone.