A review by atrailofpages
Curse of the Thorn King by Lisette Marshall


Briannis is local assassin taking care of those who blackmail or do other describe things. One time she’s caught and makes a deal with Lord Cyril to kill the Fae king and she would be rewarded handsomely to the point that she would never have to worry about money ever again as well as fulfill the promise she made to her father to be happy. Briannis arrives at Rosethorn Keep covered in daisy soap as a mysterious person had left for her with a note to put it on and is able to get in and is armed and ready to kill the Fae king, which does not go quite as she planned.

I really loved this unique take on Beauty and the Beast! With the Beast being half dead and Briannis being an assassin with manners or a proper layer by day and assassin at night. The banter is lovely, especially when Briannis focuses sooo much on manners and propriety it’s funny to see her be scandalized by Moridyr’s thoughts when spoken out loud. And to see her go from being proper to definitively not proper.

I enjoyed the characters for the most part, especially their banter and the wooing, and of course the steaminess! I do love a “he falls first” and an enemies to lovers romance. And then the sentient roses, a sentient mirror AND the sentient Keep they lived in! Even better!

And this would have been a five star read for me, but there is a miscommunication/misunderstanding and I do not like that trope. It’s rarely done in a way that makes logical sense and instead causes drama which can easily be avoided if they would just TALK. Where the one character is justified, even though they also did something in the wrong but that’s okay, and the other character is left feeling like they were in the wrong the whole time. It just leaves a not good feeling in me. I mean instead of just getting mad, assuming the worst and NOT talking, how about you just talk and ask them what their motives were. There was some severe eye-rolling occurring at the end of this book by me. And it truly was just at the end. The rest of the book is wonderfully done!

Other than that little blip, I truly loved this book and the unique take on Beauty and the Beast and I’m looking forward to the next book!

I received a free digital copy to read. All thoughts and opinions are my own.