A review by megandbooksandcats
The Book of Blood and Shadow by Robin Wasserman


I liked the writing and, for the most part, loved Nora. Robin has a way of spinning story and emotion together quickly. I believed Nora and Max's relationship in the space of about two pages, which is a major accomplishment. I rooted for them the whole way after that.

The only reason this gets four stars rather than five is a minor issue (or a couple) I took with the plot and ending. For the most part, I was able to piece together the clues about who was hiding what well before the news actually came out. That isn't necessarily a BAD thing, and the twists were still enjoyable and interesting, but I wanted something to really throw me . The one thing that DID throw me was something I still don't quite think I buy (getting vague here to avoid spoilers) -- [Chris's killer]'s other mini plot point that came out at the end that involved another character. There was no real motive, for either of them, that I really thought was strong enough to warrant their actions. For all the crazy stuff that happened, that I suspended disbelief and just said "oh cool, adventure" for, I couldn't buy the simplest, most realistic detail. That bothered me. And yes, I can understand how it sort of works. But I thought it was kind of overboard at that point.

Anyway. I rambled about that because it was the only thing that really bothered me. I could hardly put the book down, and when I did, it was still on my mind. The criticism that the "real" story takes a while to start might be valid, but I enjoyed every minute of the time I spent with the characters before it did, so I consider the point moot. Great book. Would definitely recommend.