A review by git_r_read
206 Bones by Kathy Reichs


I have loved this series from the very start, even though some of the forensic schtuff 'got into the weeds' in the beginning and I had to do some skimming...yes, I admit it....but the story and characters have always been superbly strong and wonderfully written, so I didn't give up on the books even when I kept asking, "What was that middle part again?".
Reichs has eased up on the uber-in the weeds speak, but still imparts the action in the morgue or forensic anthropology lab and moves the story along.
This one had me wanting to first hug Tempe and then smack the person who was throwing fire her way and causing the public and the people in charge to doubt her abilities after all that she's done. She even started doubting herself and that just pissed me off. No one does that to Tempe, dammit!
I liked the back and forth in time, from her captivity and trying to figure out what has happened to her to be in this predicament, to the going back a few months to tell the story. I can sometimes get lost when the author does this to the story, but not this time. It's handled really well and almost necessary to tell the tale.

This is five not in the weeds beans.....