A review by so_many_books
The Best Gift by Eli Easton


A book that basically had me sobbing from page one. This book was soo full of love and warm and fuzzy feelings that it earned the best christmas book I've read in a long time.

Christmas is always an emotional time for me, because just like Greg, one of our main characters, I am missing a person from the dinner table on Christmas Eve. So no question that this book had me in tears a few minutes in.
Add a veteran, broken by survivor's guilt and PTSD, looking for a place to start over and you got yourself a deeply emotional read.

The Best Gift is set at Cabot's, a christmas tree farm in Vermont bringing the holiday cheers to the locals and visitors since Greg's Grandpa started the business. But this year Greg is thinking of closing shop after loosing his son to the war. He's a deeply broken man who lost his spirit among with his son.
Until one day, a package shows up from Sam. A last gift finding its way home after a long time.
And on the same day, Robbie, a veteran, is picked up hitchhiking to town by Greg and staying to help out for the season at the end.

Their story is heartbreaking but seeing them help put each other back together and providing the support and laughter they missed for a long time was so cathartic and heartwarming.
And with all the holiday feels, deacorating a tree, serving costumers in the shop, snowball fights and sleigh rides, this story was just the perfect read!

If you need a short, heartwarming, tearjerking christmas story about broken men finding their place and love again, than this is the book for you!
Loved it!

Thank you to GRR for providing me a copy to review! ❤