A review by kblincoln
Reckoning by Lili St. Crow


Sigh. Just had to do that to us, did you Ms St. Crow? I have the plot-angel and plot-devil sitting on my shoulder whispering in my ear.

"She wimped out at the end, there's no resolution, it's just a repeat of the ending of all the other books!" says Plot-devil.

"You misunderstand. Truth resists simplicity (plot-angel is a nerdfighter). Any other ending would have betrayed terror and pain and struggle these characters have undergone," replies Plot-angel.

So yeah, I'm as conflicted about the ending as many others, but you have to admit that the end of Reckoning does, indeed, tie up loose ends. Sergej is taken care of. The "l" word has been said. Both boys have put their lives on the line for Dru in very explicit ways. And Dru has bloomed. She's seriously kick-ass now; with her svetocha powers coupled with "the touch."

(and even the touch is given an explanation, so no more accusations of too many loose ends, please.)

I found some of Dru's agonizing somewhat repetitive about midway through the book, and the constant reference to flexing and flushing of both "the touch" and "the aspect" wore on me a bit. However, the rest of what makes the Strange Angels series so addictive is here in this book, as well: non-stop action, half-vampire angst, Goth boy angst, and Dru trying to overcome her inner, abandoned-child demons.

Worth a read, even if you are upset about the ending.

This Book's Snack Rating: Sour cream and onion Kettle chips for the intense crunch of the characterization coupled with the slightly sour bite of the ending