A review by upgirlcd
Family Pictures by Jane Green


This book was amazing! I read it within a 24 hr span, because... I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN!
Thank you Goodreads, since I won this ARC from a Goodreads giveaway!

With this innocuous title, [b:Family Pictures|14759321|Family Pictures |Jane Green|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1359803567s/14759321.jpg|20408849], was so much more than I expected in a book! It is a masterfully told story, filled with family drama, triumphs, joys, illness, betrayal, love, hate, money, emotions, friendships, and meaning.

At first, I didnt want to like the main characters. Life was too perfect for them, with a small curve ball here & there. Well, turn one page more, and the floor drops out for everyone! Then, for me, its ignore my own happy family, because I wont stop till I reach the end of this book!

I won't delve into the storyline much, because I do not want to give away what I so enjoyed in the story. Families of 2 coasts in the US are drawn together by common threads they do not anticipate. Sylvie and Maggie have to hold on to what they hold most dear, they are in for a bumpy ride! Angie, by far, is my favorite character--the best supporting actress, shall I say. She is steadfast and thoroughly present for her friend who needs her.

I would read this book again, and enjoy it just as much. 5 great big shining stars!!

This is the first novel I have read by Jane Green. Certainly, not my last.