A review by kdurham2
The Precious One by Marisa de los Santos


Check out the full review at Kritters Ramblings

Dual narrated by a set of sisters who don't know each other at all, but are thrust into each other's lives and hopefully can form a bond and help each other to find true happiness. Tasiy is a woman who had her father in her life but not quite the most attentive father until she turned 18 and her life fell apart. Willow was born out of the collapse and he was a completely different father to her, almost too attentive.

First, I already know I love dual narratives and then to have two sisters who weren't in each other's lives come together, I knew this book would be a hit. I love a sibling story and that was the core and center of this book and man I adored it. The arc of their relationship felt real and worked for me.