A review by rayasunshiine
The Edge of Always by J.A. Redmerski


I hate to do this...I really, truly hate to do this. I feel the need to begin this review with a disclaimer: I LOVED the Edge of Never. Andrew and Camryn were both incredible characters I found myself emotionally invested in. I re-read the book twice because J.A. Redmerski wrote with so many feels and mind-blowing scenes. But this...

I downloaded the book as soon as it was available at midnight on its release date and finished it the following afternoon. I have never felt so disappointed and let down in my life. The entire book seemed like I sat down with the author to lunch after having finished "The Edge of Never" and asked her "so, what happened next??"
All 80% of the e-book would have been a transcription of her 3 hour spoken answer of her throwing out some possible plot ideas and theories, making time jumps with an aside to me saying "I still have yet to figure that out exactly but I imagine it will involve them doing x and ", character inconsistencies from the first book since she's only covering the surface of their character with no real dialogue or depth since she's merely brainstorming, all well rounded with maybe 1 or 2 real touching scenes. Oh and then she'll decide to throw me for a loop at the end with a possible epilogue introducing a new character she can capitalize (Read: Cash in) on for the creation of a third book for the series. There's no conclusion, no closure, Andrew and Camryn become exactly what they don't want to become in the end - lifeless, personality-less, "mature adults" who have no actual deep thoughts of their own as they sign off in their last POVs of the story.

I'm pretty sure I read only 60% of the book and spent the rest hitting the "next" arrow on my kindle. It wasn't so much that the story bored me, there was just nothing to the story to actually read. I'm sure I could have written a more eloquent review for this, I believe Redmerski deserves it after how much I adored The Edge of Never, but I won't for the time being for two reasons:

1. I'm irrationally fired up over how upset I was by The Edge of Always
2. I could make specific references to how horrible and inconsistent the whole thing was but I don't want to hide any of my review because it contains spoilers and I don't my review to taint anyone's opinion to read the book. I'm incredibly eager to see how many people finish the book and feel as I do. Maybe then we can petition for Redmerski to give us a REAL sequel and not this churned out, emotionless crap.

My final word? If I had known the sequel was going to be like this, I would have preferred the Edge of Never to have stood on it's own. The book ended with enough closure for me to have been happy about Andrew and Camryn's futures. In fact I believe the future they had at the end of the book would have been incredibly amazing compared to how Redmerski proceeded to screw them over in The Edge of Always.