A review by kerite
Cheyenne Song by Georgina Gentry


I have mixed feelings about this book - I was torn between 3 and 4 stars and decided on 4 since, despite its flaws, I did quite enjoy it.

There are aspects of this story that are different than the standard romance novels, yet at other times it felt like your classic old-school bodice ripper. The setting and plot is compelling and maintains tension, and unlike a lot of "captive" romances that come up with really contrived scenarios for the heroine ending up as the hero's captive, in this situation it actually makes sense.

However, there are a lot of exclamation points and heaving bosoms, and some of the dialogue is campy and the writing can be a little simplistic. Certain words, phrases, descriptions, and metaphors get reused over and over, often mere sentences apart. Part of me died inside each time Glory exclaimed "mercy!" or we're told about her "ripe body" and her hair flying behind her like a mustang's mane, or the countless times Two Arrows was called virile or I had to read about his "manhood." The first sex scene was anticlimactic, and the rest often veered into cheesy territory. Although, bonus points for creativity in including a blowjob, I can't remember the last time I read one of those in a romance!

In many ways Glory is the typical hair-tossing feisty, but she's also 34 and divorced - a far cry from the all-too-common virginal heroines barely out of their teens. Perhaps that's why the personality suits her better than it does many other heroines. Although at times she was painfully, obnoxiously stubborn! She does undergo a true change of heart regarding how she views the Indians; at the beginning she feels bad for them but mostly just views them as pitiful savages, but throughout the story she develops a deep and genuine compassion for them and anger and shame for the injustice and mistreatment they undergo. Yet I still found it a little unrealistic how quickly she declares herself one of the Cheyenne, after only a handful of weeks with them, without the reader being shown much evidence of her actually understanding their culture (aside from how to cook and speak the language.)

Two Arrows is hunky and capable but he's also a drunken, disgraced outcast who wants to redeem himself and earn back his dignity. I liked that he was flawed, and not just another noble, powerful, respected chief or something. Although, I was unsettled by the serious consideration he gave to raping Glory, only resisting the temptation not because it's morally wrong but because he feared whites would seek vengeance for it.

I have to say, I'm not sure why they fell for each other. There was a shared physical attraction from the beginning, but throughout the story they barely converse, certainly not about anything of any substance... so how did they move from lust to love? I also thought it was a little weird how much we were reminded that Two Arrows loves Glory more than he ever loved his deceased wife. Regardless, the scene toward the end in the snow tugged hard at my heartstrings!

I must also add that I liked David, Glory's almost-fiancé. He was three-dimensional - in some ways more than Two Arrows - and I liked seeing the situation from his perspective. I wish we had a book about him.