A review by booksnpenguins
The Architect of Song by A.G. Howard

DNFing this at 13%

I absolutely appreciate the disability rep and the premise seems super original, but I'm really not feeling this book right now and the writing isn't my cup of tea.
Maybe I'll get back to it when and if I'm in the proper mood, but for now I'm moving on to something hopefully more entertaining.

#PenguinOnATBRMission: book #16

this hashtag is something I self-indulgently created for fun when I decided to thin out my immense tbr list as a new years resolution starting from books I added on GR back in 2017/2018/2019, and since I can't seem to do anything quietly and I'm well known for being an overachiever, I had to go and turn it into an official thing. Feel free to check out the shelf with the same name if you don't mind keeping up with this insanely over-hyped adventure I got myself into. Take it as a chance to rediscover some books from a few years ago that might have accidentally flown under your radar, or to simply share with another fellow reader your very own reading experience. Happy reading and stay penguin-y!

To Be Continued...