A review by stemtherapy
Overexposed by Megan Erickson


I have mixed feelings about this book. I liked the idea of hiking the Appalachian Trail ... I found that part of the story interesting and unique to this genre. I actually really liked that part of this story.

However, I had a very hard time connecting to either MC. Then I was surprised when one MC self-identified as demisexual. This is the second book I have read in a relatively short time with a demisexual MC (the other being [b:Empty Net|30368400|Empty Net (Scoring Chances #4)|Avon Gale|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1466517432s/30368400.jpg|50880651]). Ordinarily, I am thrilled when I see less known sexual/romantic/gender orientations represented within this genre ... in this case I was less thrilled for a number of reasons. The characteristics presented in this book did not necessarily reflect those often exhibited by those on the asexual spectrum (attraction appeared to be fairly instant and did not develop over time as the emotional bond formed) and the unfortunate portrayal of the asexual spectrum MC as "robotic" which is something many in the asexual community take exception to. Because asexuals do not experience sexual attraction the same way others do ... they are often to seen as sub-human (since many consider sexuality is considered to be such a big part of who a person is -- you will often hear the phase that it is what makes us human) and yes, often called robots (a kind of slur). So that was very unfortunate and probably unintentional? This was not helped by the somewhat creepy stalker-ish tendencies the same MC exhibited. Maybe cute in a romantic novel, it is disconcertingly unnerving when it happens in the real life ...

I am seeing more and more asexual spectrum representation in this genre which is fantastic! However, few accurately capture the experience and the risk of perpetuating harmful stereotypes exists. However, I will still commend the author for tackling a complicated sexual orientation and raising awareness ...

That said ... I read books 1 and 2 of this series and liked this book the best so far. The first two suffered from forced angst/tension and this does not have that ...

PS. I listened to this in audiobook format. Sometimes the narration was hard to follow ... particularly when the MCs mumbled or spoke quietly ... because the narrator did the same and it was hard to follow.