A review by geo_ix
Die For You by Michele Mills


I’m so mad... I’m part of an online book club, and a while back this was the months pick and everyone who read it was raving about it, that they loved it so much they read all three books back to back. I’d never really participated during our readalongs because I was alway busy, but this sounded like something I’d LOVE> (it was not) and they hyped it up so much I was sure I’d love it too (I did not).

I hated the heroine, and I hated the hero. She was dumb as FUCK, and he was a complete wanker. Examples as to why:
- when they finally come across survivors, there’s a guy with a SWASTIKA on his neck, and a biologist and they’re living it up in a in a bands tour bus. They lure her in there to see how cool it is (after swastika hits on her) and they put on the movie Die Hard. THAT is what makes her demand they travel with them. Not that they have a solar powered bus with heaps of stuff, or anything useful. No, that they have access to watch her favourite fucking movie.
- Biologist has lost his kids and wife, and she’s told about it a page before, then when she’s with him next she’s thinking about how he never smiles and that he looks ‘emotionless’ and later on gets all giddy that she made him smile. He’s depressed, leave him the fuck alone.
- Hero has this ‘kink’ where he basically wants to own her and call ALL the shots in their relationship ship. He also has a kink where he likes to watch other men fuck his> lady and basically gets off on driving the scene. Swastika brings it up she’s the only lady they know is alive and that he wants a piece of her. Hero is against it all until Swastika mentions he will gladly have a threesome with them, be the third and do whatever Hero says & that he’s done it before. Hero is salivating and agrees, as long as Heroine accepts. Hero then pushes them together so she can say yes, then when she finds out and is mad he basically dealt her out, he says to her that Swastika did the right thing by coming to him and asking to make sure he wasn’t stepping on his toes. He continually says their sex stuff is for HER pleasure, while playing out HIS fantasies and not bothering to ask what she’s into...
- she has 30 MINUTE SHOWERS. When Biologist brings it up she basically has a MELTDOWN, claiming she HAS to have showers that long because she’s a female and it’s necessary That they’re that long because she has SO MUCH to do in the shower, like wash and condition her hair, and shave her legs, because she’s a female. Like, is that 100% necessary for survival? And the Dicks that want in her holes both pipe up like ‘she can have my time’ and it don’t mind’, instead of going oh shit probably could use that power for more useful things. For, shave your legs before and rinse them off in the shower. In NO WORLD, is it necessary. You’re wasting precious water for staters. It’s not even the only stupid thing she wastes. Later on Biology comes back and says she’s sneaking outside to turn the generator on every night so she can turn on the air conditioning. He’s all worried about fuel consumption, and she literally got whiney that he was grilling her about why it was going down. She has a tantrum, questions why he’s checking the fuel levels, tries to gaslight him being all like ‘what’s this got to do with me’, tries to pin it on the other guys before admiting, he’s, it was her and that he should handcuff her and take her to jail (sarcastically). He asks why she would do it, and she’s like ‘God, you make it sound like I broke into a blood bank or something, I just turned on the air conditioner. It’s no big deal’ he tells her it is, asks how many hours she left it running because she’s not running out getting more fuel, they are, and she zones out because he’s ‘lecturing’ her. He tells her they’ve all decided they shouldn’t run the air at night and that they’re all not doing it to conserve energy and she’s shocked because they never brought it up and ignored that she was turning it on.... these two probably annoyed me the most. She’s such a princess these three guys are going without and working way harder than they need to, just so she can live like life is normal. Resources run out, especially fuel, and she’s eating away at it without a care in the world.
- then we meet new characters and they’re just as bad. He ran around collecting movie memorabilia, and she stockpiled things she “felt were extremely important-clothes, make-up and accessories” I KID YOU NOT. This lady things clothes, make up and fucking accessories are important in a fucking apocalypse. KILL MEEEEEE. She then goes on to give Heroine a MAKEOVER, after she’s been told her man kidnapped her and her people will be worried. She uses her kid to manipulate Heroine into staying for an hour so she can play barbie. Never mind how impractical she dresses her, but fuck me, it’s just so dumb.
- Then to top it off, new girl is (spoiler for trigger warning)
Spoilergang raped
and after finding her, hero carts her off to the car swiftly and they have sex because she just looks so sexy and they can’t keep their hands off each other. He says she smells so good and she says she shouldn’t because she was locked in a pet cage that was covered in piss and shit, and that he’s lucky, “bad smells seem to bounce off me”.
- also, with Swastika‘a tattoo. It’s heavily implied that that’s the reason they know he was in jail? Like people outside of jail can’t have nazi symbols on their body? “What are you? Prison bait” ... Adam was right. There was a small swastika tattooed on the side of the guy’s neck. She’s watched a TV documentary once on prisons and remembered a swastika on the neck signified membership in an Aryan gang. You had to belong to a gang in prison. If not, you’d be killed.” (I shit you not, she thought that, and I’m still dying laughing thinking about it) also like, how is an Armenian (Biologist) and a Mexican (hero) so fucking calm around a guy with a SWASTIKA on his neck? Genuinely think that shouldn’t have been included AT ALL. Maybe a teardrop tattoo (which would make more sense since he was in for murder) or something, but the swastika has no other point besides them claiming it meant he went to prison. No one was like WOAH A NAZI LETS NOT GO NEAR HIM. They actually got pretty chill with him easily and it was super uncomfortable. I’m still confused by that choice & also just seems kinda uneducated to think only a prisoner could be part of the Aryan gang & that it was basically just a prison thing. And even if it was, they ain’t the only gang in prison, and that would be the one he chose... ew.

Overall, I was annoyed by WAY too many things to enjoy this. All those points weren’t even all the things I hated. Yes, there was more. I don’t even care about book two, and I have it because it was free. The lead up was dumb & swastika was dumb too. ‘Me need woman. Must go alone for best chance to steal woman from other man’. Ugh. WHERE ARE THESE PEOPLES BRAINSSSSSS.