A review by whatstephisreading
The Girl in Cell 49B by Dorian Box


Last year I picked up this little-known book The Hiding Girl, not expecting much but falling in love with Emily Calby, a fierce 13 year old doing whatever she can to survive. Her story had heart and humor so I was excited to reconnect with her three years later as she finds herself in a juvenile detention facility.

I enjoyed this story as Emily still finds herself still getting into (and out of) troubling situations, and you get her same entertaining and endearing attitude and curiosity. This story shows her softer side as she has to rely on her mind and not just her body to solve conflicts. I thought I was going to miss Lucas' presence in this, but I loved the various female friendships Emily built throughout the story both in the facility and the courtroom.

If you like a story of perseverance and resilience, Emily Calby the girl for you. She is strong and will use any resource to her advantage, including tackling the law library within the prison to defend herself. I do recommend reading The Hiding Girl first so you get her full background, but loved this sequel to continue her story.

Thank you to BookishFirst, NetGalley, and author Dorian Box for my copy in exchange for an honest review.