A review by snazel
Princeless: Raven the Pirate Princess Book 2: Free Women by Jeremy Whitley


I started reading the series this spun off of, and it didn't really catch my attention. Was a little bit young and dealing with feminist issues I'd kinda moved past, like a girl's right not to be held captive in her own house, or not forced to wear clothing designed for men to oogle. Valid stuff, but not what I'm currently wrestling with. And then I read THIS series, and ah-hah, here we have the issues that apply more to me. Fair sharing of labour when you can't fall back on gender roles to distribute jobs! Is being a pacifist ethical when it forces people to protect you!? Is it oppression when you wear clothing designed to hide (or show off) the female body? Even if there are no men around?

Also, what do you do when your evil pirate brothers tie you up and throw you in a crocodile pit? (The feminist issue of our time.)

Anyways, this review is so rambly you can really see why I've been putting off reviewing, but this book has good jokes! Interesting ideas! Great art! AHHHH PLOT.