A review by nm_1215
By a Thread by Lucy Score


Lucy Score does it again with her grumpy x sunshine trope.

Wasn't disappointed in the least with this one. The tension in this book had me screaming from time to time, telling the pages for the couple to just get it on with each other. I'm glad that at least both characters had decent development with their personalities.

Dom's overbearing harsh personality was cut down by Ally's sunshine optimistic side, not only in their workplace but also in their personal lives. It was indeed a wild ride reading their story and though as cliche as the drama trope was (misunderstanding/communication issues), it was still a good read. Let's not even get started on the smut scenes this book had. All I can say is that Dom is built like a tank with a never-ending stream of bullets. I live for their romantic and cheesy moments as a couple; I would also love to read Faith and Christian's story if there is one, they seem like a fun couple.