A review by christygsp
Good Bad Girl by Alice Feeney


This book felt scattered for 80% so it’s only fitting if my thoughts are just as scattered… here we go. 

Confusing a reader to the point where they can’t pick up even a thread of what’s going on until the very last 20% of a book is not a good thing. Having mystery and intrigue is great, but making a reader so turned around that they can’t even grab hold of the larger plot was so disjointed that I wanted to quit so many times. 
The overall story was clever and characters were unreliable and deeply flawed. It was an only okay book, with only okay characters, BUT with an amazing reveal sequence. 

Truth is OBJECTIVE. Anything else is opinion, perspective and experience. I hate that people dilute the meaning of this very important word. 

Faith and fear are OPPOSITES, not interwoven similarities. 

The Sea and Sky both follow rules - the tide and atmosphere levels for example. 

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