A review by azureyoshi
Tyranny of the Minority by Steven Levitsky, Daniel Ziblatt

I don't know how to rate this one. I don't disagree with the author's assessment of the situation on a political level, but their suggestions don't take into account the challenges of the modern era. Between the political barriers they discussed (electoral college, voter suppression, lifetime Supreme Court nominations, filibuster, the Senate favoring minority rule, the difficulty in changing the constitution relative to other nations, etc) and the other pressures they didn't (Citizens United, social media algorithms favoring incendiary content & AI/bots taking over the internet, *gestures vaguely at all the issues with America's education system*, climate change, etc), the author's suggestions to save democracy, while things I'd also advocate for, are unfortunately pipe dreams.

America needed to kill the Electoral College in the 1970s when it had overwhelming support; now we're paying the consequences of not fixing that 50 years ago.