A review by heathercottledillon
Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein


This book totally blew me away. For some reason it took me a little while to get into it, but then I was totally swept up and could not stop reading the thing. I was totally surprised by the plot twists, but when it all fell into place and I looked back, it all made sense—with a few minor exceptions. And honestly, by the end I just didn’t care about figuring everything out and making sure everything fit, like I usually do. Julie and Maddie became real people to me. Their dialogue and behavior seemed to fit with the time and place, yet I also felt like they could have been the girls next door. The writing is beautiful but not too flowery. Some readers might be turned off by all the details about airfields and flight codes and such, but I thought they were interesting and made the story more realistic. It’s refreshing to read a book that’s about friendship instead of romantic relationships, and it shows that the bond between friends can be as strong and beautiful as any other kind. I have a feeling that “Code Name Verity” is going to stand the test of time and become a classic.