A review by prdgreads
Stilettos & Stardust: A Gender-Swapped Cinderella Story by D. L. Pitchford


this story is told from 2 perspectives Noah’s and Eden’s. The chapters alternate characters and they both have a unique style so even if you don’t look at the chapter heading it was easy to tell who’s chapter you were in at any time.

We start off meeting Noah who is still trying to get over the death of his mum, he visits her grave every day after school and tells her about everything that’s going on in his life and the lives of his brothers and his father, I could tell by the way he spoke about them that he feels like they don’t care, they’re just getting on with their lives whilst for Noah losing his mum is still very raw.

Then we meet Eden who wants to focus on her education but is being told by her mother she’s 18 now so it’s time to find a husband and she has the perfect one in mind.

We soon find out that Noah and Eden attend the same school, they’re in the same psychics class, but they hate each other, they both think they’re the best and everything’s a competition. – something happens in the classroom and the teacher decides to put them together as lab partners.

This brings them together and once they actually get to know each other they find out that they have more in common than they first thought.

The character development in this story was amazing. Every single one of the characters learnt something about themselves, but it was done in a realistic believable way which can sometimes be hard to do.

This book had me feeling so many emotions which was surprising considering it’s relatively short!

A thoroughly enjoyable read that I will be recommending to all fans of YA Romance