A review by saphirablue
Tigers on the Run by Sean Kennedy


*squeees* so much. I could read a thousand and more pages about Simon and his relationship with Dec and their friends.

This book made me laugh out loud quite a few times (my poor neighbours). Simon is just awesome the way he is and Dec's reaction to him? Pure gold. And top of him the reactions of Fran, Roger, Abe, Lisa and Coby to Simon and, yes, Dec? There are no words how much I enjoyed reading about these characters. *hugs them and never lets them go again*

I love that not everything is perfect in the relationship between Simon and Dec. They fight, they are angry with each other, they feel hurt by the other, they react the exactly wrong way than their partner hopes for and so on. But, they also work on their problems. Yes, there is some running from Dec involved and Simon puts his foot into his mouth more than once, but in the end? They talk with each other. They apologize to each other and they want to make it work. ♥

Micah's story comes a bit short. On one hand - yay, more Simon and Dec bickering. But on the other hand - his story is important. Yes, he's quite often a little shit but it's understandable when you put yourself in his shoes. *hugs him*

I also like how Fran is given a chance to voice her feelings re:being treated only as a mother anymore. Thank you for that.

Jasper is not my favourite character and I still don't like him. Enough said.

I really hope that the Overtime chapters hint for another book. I really want to read about Declan, the assistant coach, and want to know what's up with Nyssa. :) *makes grabby hands*