A review by kdurham2
Administrations of Lunacy: Racism and the Haunting of American Psychiatry at the Milledgeville Asylum by Mab Segrest


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An in-depth look at not only a mental institution, but the people and the time and place that it existed. This mental institution was large and located in an interesting place especially at an interesting time in our nation's history - the south pre and post Civil War. With its location it had a trying relationship with race relations and how that fits into mental health. I have read other books, mostly historical fiction about mental institutions and the study of mental health and this was a different look at how it fits in the surrounding time.

I initially started reading this book via audiobook and had to stop and return it after three chapters as it wasn't keeping my attention and wasn't working for me, so I switched to ebook form and finished it reading that way.