A review by beeppeep
Collide by Gail McHugh

I'm going to need time to rate this one. What I do know is that it left me feeling angry and frustrated, to the extreme. Both genuine emotions elicited by the plot, but also elicited by Emily. My good LORD, how many misunderstandings can a couple possibly endure before throwing in the towel and saying "fuck it"? I honestly wanted to SHAKE Emily for being so dense. Gah, she's what angered me the most, though Dillon's douchbaggery certainly did not warm the cockles of my heart.


Yes, I need time to figure out how I feel about this. I'm conflicted. I don't think I can bring myself to read the second book. There's so much anguish in this book, that unless the second book is all unicorns shitting rainbows, I'll be a basket case. Just like S.C. Stephens' Thoughtless series for me.

P.S. Cheating cheaters who unapologetically cheat? Anger.