A review by irasobrietate
The Fight for Truth by Jude Watson


Watson has a thing for dystopias and is apparently determined to showcase and tear apart as many as possible in this series. The dystopia on Kegan centers around the General Good as conceived by two Guardians who have "benevolently" taken over the planet and kept it isolated from and ignorant of the greater galaxy. When a couple contacts the Jedi asking to have their daughter tested for Force Sensitivity, Kegan's carefully planned and rigidly enforced society is put at risk.

I actually found myself very intrigued by O-Vieve's and V-Tan's visions of the future. The masked soldiers definitely sounded like stormtroopers and galaxy-wide evil was undoubtedly the Empire. But considering this was published between The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones, I find it interesting that the Jedi were positioned as the central figures/catalyst for this dark future. Foreshadowing like this is always interesting to me, and definitely makes my Epic Star Wars Reread in Publication Order totally worth it.