A review by sausome
The Tenth Girl by Sara Faring


It's truly amazing how little sense this book made and how poorly so many disparate plot elements tried to be stitched together. I think this book failed because it couldn't decide what kind of book it wanted to be.

Separately: Argentinian disappeareds and guerrillas fighting against a corrupt government; a historically mysterious and troubled all girls school isolated in Patagonia; a ghost world with Others, a cloud, need to possess the living to stay connected to the living world rather than being sucked into a dark in between place, with a gross know-it-all Beetlejuice-type slobby mentor; THE LAST THING which I can't even allude to because of spoilers but also because zero elements of this thing appear before it randomly happened (ZERO SENSE). All of these things had potential as separate books, but instead they all got smushed together to make a terrible book with the BEST COVER.

I actually nearly gave up on this book 25% in, but kept getting drawn in by the cover ("why would they put such an awesome cover on a bad book?" I reasoned to myself), and the alluded to 'surprise ending' in the reviews made me curious. But really a waste of time. Also I'm kind of angry this book was such an utter waste of my time, tbh. I've got so many other books to read.