A review by sheltzer
To Helvetica and Back by Paige Shelton


This book plodded. Clare works with her grandfather in a shop which repairs typewriters and antique books as well as sell stationery. The shop is located in Bygone Alley in Star City, UT - home of tourists and skiers. I liked the setting and the idea of Bygone Alley. I even for the most part enjoyed Clare, her grandfather and niece. However, I found the book clunky. The dialog was stilted, there were weird plot interjections that didn't appear to serve a purpose (the cancer research story line) that disappeared with a nod of acceptance and of course there was the ending.

The ending followed a convention that is the worst in all of mystery telling
Spoiler - the murder did not appear at all during the narrative of the book only to show up out of nowhere. I don't understand the 5-star reviews that lauded that the reader doesn't see the ending coming. Of course not! The murderer wasn't a character! How could you see it coming?!? Ugh

I thought maybe I could overlook my issues until I turned the last page to see the list of the author's other works... not a first time writer. I guess I know who I'm not adding to my to-read list!