A review by tortitudereads
The Senator Next Door: A Memoir from the Heartland by Amy Klobuchar


Ever since I read Becoming by Michelle Obama, I find myself judging political/life memoirs by a harsher standing. Becoming was just a helluva book. Senator Amy Klobuchar’s Senator Next Door ranks up among Becoming for me. Why? Senator Klobuchar like Michelle Obama write with such candor and relevance. I feel like Klobuchar let me into her world and communicated effectively who she is and how she governs. Frankly, she’s relatable and share her vulnerabilities. Further, she has a great sense of humor. I laughed out loud numerous times at her quips and musings. I appreciate this since most political memoirs are just elongated stump speeches with a sprinkling of personality. There is no flavor. Senator Next Door is rich in flavor.

She doesn’t represent me in the senate, since I live in CA. I learned of her only recently. She was being interviewed and she peaked my interest so I bought this book. There is talk she may run for president in 2020, and if she is anything like her book, then I think she’d be fabulous. I highly recommend this to learn more about this change maker. She has recruited me as a fan and if she runs, a supporter.