A review by shellysbookcorner
Stay by A.L. Jackson


Willow has been taking care of her sick mother and living a very safe and boring life.

Ash is the “live in the moment” type and that's how he got himself in this current situation. Beaten and left for dead in an alley.

Willow and Ash’s paths cross after she gets him the medical attention that he needs. Ash wants to meet the woman who saved his life. After they meet they agree upon a business agreement (not what you're thinking) even though Willow wants nothing to do with him. As time progresses they can't fight their growing attraction. They finally give in and everything is right in the world. Until a secret comes out and threatens to destroy everything.

When this secret was revealed my heart literally squeezed. I felt so bad for Willow because she was in a horrible position. I mean how do you make the right decision? Do you choose loyalty over love? Or love over loyalty? I honestly didn't expect this bombshell and Jackson gutted me. Willow is able to make her decision but I know for myself I would always wonder. I love stories that you can envision yourself as the character. I felt Willow’s pain and struggle. My heart also hurt for Ash because he didn't mean for this happen.

I've been a long time fan of Jackson and her emotional stories such as “When We Collide” and “Take This Regret" Even though I enjoyed “Wait”, I didn't have that emotional feeling while I was reading. With this book I was happy to report that I got my old school Jackson feeling while reading. You could feel the characters pain and i just wanted to reach in give them a hug and make everything better for Willow and Ash. Fans of Jackson’s older novels will enjoy this story!

*an arc was given for an honest review*

For more reviews check me out at: http://www.shellysbookcorner.com