A review by freadomlibrary
Dark Skies by Danielle L. Jensen


I received an e-ARC of this book from Tor Teen through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!

Trigger warnings: death, attempted murder, violence, war, hunger and starvation, rioting, animal death

There is something I really enjoy and also really struggle with when it comes to this series. It happened with the first book and it happened with this one. It starts off really slow and it takes me a super long time to get into, almost halfway through in this case, but then all of a sudden there's a turning point and I am racing to the end! Something shifts in the plot or the pacing, I don't know, and now I just cannot wait to finish and stay up until 3 am because I cannot stop reading! (true story). Because this one is almost companion-like, I think that contributed a lot to the struggles in the beginning. Lydia as a character was introduced before but very briefly so it was interesting to see more of her and see her growth. I thought it was kind of wild how she ended up involved in something so complex and political but it made the story super interesting. I lovedddd Killian! From his name to his personality and his choices. I just think he's my favorite male character in this series so far. This book also ended very bittersweet. Victory but tragedy all wrapped in one. I am really pumped to read the third book and see how the two separate stories collide now!